Sunday 31 December 2023

Unveiling the Surprising Benefits of Owning Exotic Pets

Owning a pet has long been associated with joy, companionship, and emotional well-being. While dogs and cats are the traditional choices for many, a growing number of individuals are exploring the unique world of exotic pets. 

Beyond the captivating allure of these creatures, there are surprising benefits to welcoming exotic animals into our homes. In this blog post, we'll delve into some of the unexpected advantages of having exotic pets.

Educational Opportunities:

Exotic pets offer a fascinating window into the diverse ecosystems from which they originate. For owners and their families, caring for an exotic pet becomes an educational adventure. Researching their natural habitats, dietary needs, and behaviour provides valuable insights into the interconnectedness of the animal kingdom. This hands-on learning experience fosters a sense of responsibility and a deeper understanding of the importance of conservation.

Therapeutic Companionship:

Beyond the traditional therapy animals like dogs, certain exotic pets can provide unique therapeutic benefits. For example, reptiles and amphibians may offer a calming presence for individuals dealing with stress, anxiety, or sensory processing disorders. The rhythmic movements of a snake or the gentle splashing of a pet turtle in a tank can create a serene environment, promoting emotional well-being.

Conversation Starters:

Exotic pets are excellent conversation starters. Whether it's the striking colours of a tropical bird or the sleek elegance of a pet snake, these unique companions can spark intriguing discussions. This can be especially valuable for individuals who may struggle with social interactions. Exotic pets become a bridge, connecting people through shared fascination and curiosity.

Physical Activity and Outdoor Exploration:

Certain exotic pets, such as birds or reptiles, may encourage owners to spend more time outdoors. Constructing a habitat or creating a secure outdoor space for these animals provides an opportunity for physical activity and fresh air. This is particularly beneficial in a world where many individuals spend an increasing amount of time indoors.

Building Empathy and Respect for Diversity:

Caring for an exotic pet requires an open mind and a willingness to adapt. This process fosters empathy as owners learn to understand and meet the specific needs of their unique companions. It also promotes respect for diversity, as exotic pets come from various corners of the globe, showcasing the rich tapestry of life on Earth.

Unconventional Bonding:

While the idea of forming a strong bond with an exotic pet might seem unconventional, many owners report profound connections with their non-traditional companions. Whether it's the gentle purr of a sugar glider or the inquisitive nature of a pet hedgehog, these animals can create meaningful, albeit unconventional, bonds with their human caregivers.

Owning an exotic pet may not be the conventional choice, but the surprising benefits go beyond the exotic appearance of these creatures. From educational opportunities and therapeutic companionship to building empathy and respect for diversity, exotic pets bring a unique set of advantages that enrich the lives of their owners in unexpected ways. 

As we continue to explore the vast array of animals that share our planet, the world of exotic pets invites us to broaden our perspectives and deepen our connections with the fascinating creatures that coexist with us on Earth.

(Image courtesy of Eelffica from Pixabay)

Unleashing Wellness: The Role of Exercise in Your Pet's Health

Our beloved pets bring immeasurable joy and companionship into our lives, becoming cherished members of our families. 

Just like us, they require a holistic approach to health, which includes a balanced diet, regular veterinary care, and, perhaps most importantly, ample exercise. In this blog post, we'll delve into the pivotal role that exercise plays in ensuring the well-being of our furry friends.

Physical Health Benefits:

Just as in humans, regular exercise is key to maintaining optimal physical health in pets. Physical activity helps control weight, preventing obesity-related issues that can lead to a variety of health problems, including diabetes and joint ailments. It strengthens muscles, improves cardiovascular health, and enhances overall mobility, ensuring that your pet can lead an active and fulfilling life.

Mental Stimulation:

Exercise isn't just about physical health; it also plays a crucial role in mental stimulation for pets. Engaging in activities like fetch, puzzle games, or agility training keeps their minds sharp and helps alleviate boredom. Mental stimulation is particularly vital for intelligent breeds or high-energy pets, as it prevents destructive behaviors that may arise from boredom or excess energy.

Social Interaction:

For many pets, especially dogs, exercise provides an opportunity for social interaction. Dog parks, playdates, or even a stroll around the neighborhood allow pets to interact with other animals and people, fostering positive social behavior. This is particularly important for puppies, as early socialization can contribute to a well-adjusted and friendly adult pet.

Preventing Behavioral Issues:

Regular exercise is a powerful tool in preventing and managing behavioral issues in pets. Dogs, for example, are less likely to exhibit destructive behaviors like chewing furniture or excessive barking when they have an outlet for their energy through regular exercise. Cats benefit from playtime, reducing the likelihood of stress-related behaviors like excessive grooming or scratching.

Weight Management:

Obesity in pets is a growing concern that can lead to a myriad of health problems. Regular exercise, coupled with a balanced diet, is essential for weight management. Activities like walking, running, or interactive play help burn calories and keep pets at a healthy weight, contributing to a longer and happier life.

Tailored Exercise for Different Pets:

It's crucial to recognise that different pets have varying exercise needs. While dogs may benefit from daily walks and vigorous play, cats may prefer short bursts of intense activity or the opportunity to climb and explore. Understanding your pet's breed, age, and individual preferences is key to tailoring an exercise routine that suits their unique requirements. Your vet will be able to offer you expert advice.

In conclusion, integrating regular exercise into your pet's routine is a fundamental aspect of responsible pet ownership. It contributes not only to their physical health but also to their mental well-being, socialisation, and overall happiness. As devoted companions, our pets rely on us to provide them with the tools for a healthy and fulfilling life. So, lace up those walking shoes, grab the leash, and embark on a journey to a happier, healthier life for you and your furry friend.

Saturday 30 December 2023

Pet-Friendly Gardening: Plants that are Safe for Your Furry Friends

Gardening is a therapeutic, rewarding hobby, offering a sense of accomplishment as you nurture and watch your plants flourish. However, for pet owners, it's absolutely vital to consider the safety of our furry friends when designing our green spaces. 

Many common plants can be toxic to pets, causing mild to severe health issues if ingested. In this blog post, we'll explore the world of pet-friendly gardening, highlighting plants that will beautify your garden without posing a threat to your beloved pets.

Lavender (Lavandula)

Lavender is not only a fragrant and visually appealing addition to your garden but is also safe for your pets. This aromatic herb is known for its calming properties and is often used in aromatherapy. Whether in a pot or planted directly in the ground, lavender adds a touch of elegance while providing a safe environment for your furry companions.

Marigold (Tagetes)

Marigolds are vibrant, easy-to-grow flowers that come in various warm hues. These cheerful blooms are not only visually pleasing but are also non-toxic to both cats and dogs. Marigolds thrive in full sun, making them an excellent choice for brightening up your garden.

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

If you're a fan of indoor plants, the spider plant is an excellent choice for a pet-friendly home. Known for its air-purifying qualities, the spider plant is safe for cats and dogs. Its arching green and white leaves add a touch of whimsy to your interior space without compromising your pet's well-being.

Blue-eyed Grass (Sisyrinchium)

Blue-eyed grass is a delicate, grass-like perennial that produces petite blue flowers resembling tiny irises. This low-maintenance plant is safe for pets and can be a charming addition to your garden borders or as ground cover. Blue-eyed grass thrives in well-drained soil and partial to full sunlight.

Petunia (Petunia hybrida)

Petunias are popular annuals known for their vibrant colors and versatility. These flowers are not only eye-catching but are also non-toxic to cats and dogs. Petunias are available in various colors and can be planted in containers, hanging baskets, or directly in the ground.

Basil (Ocimum basilicum)

Herb gardens can be both functional and pet-friendly. Basil, with its rich aroma and culinary uses, is a safe herb for pets. Whether grown in pots or interspersed with other plants in your garden, basil provides a fragrant and safe haven for your furry friends.

Creating a pet-friendly garden is not only a responsible choice for pet owners but also an opportunity to enhance your outdoor space with beautiful, non-toxic plants. By selecting pet-safe varieties, you can enjoy the pleasures of gardening while ensuring the well-being of your beloved cats and dogs. From colorful flowers to aromatic herbs, there are plenty of options to create a lush and safe environment where both you and your pets can thrive. Happy gardening!

Should you have any doubts about a particular type of plant consult with your veterinarian who should be able to offer expert advice. 

Pet Dental Health: Tips for Keeping Your Pet's Teeth Clean and well

Our pets bring immense joy and companionship into our lives, and it's our responsibility to ensure they lead happy, healthy lives. One often overlooked aspect of pet care is dental health. Just like humans, pets can suffer from dental issues that can lead to pain, discomfort, and overall health problems. 

In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of pet dental health and provide practical tips to keep your pet's teeth clean and their smiles bright.

The Importance of Pet Dental Health:

Many pet owners underestimate the significance of dental care for their companions. Dental problems can lead to a range of health issues, including bad breath, tooth loss, and even systemic conditions affecting the heart, liver, and kidneys. Regular dental care not only prevents these problems but also improves your pet's overall well-being.

Tips for Keeping Your Pet's Teeth Clean:

Regular Brushing:

Just like humans, pets benefit from regular tooth brushing. Introduce tooth brushing gradually, using pet-friendly toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush. Aim for a daily brushing routine, but even a few times a week can make a significant difference.

Dental Chews and Toys:

Provide your pet with dental chews and toys designed to promote oral health. These items can help reduce plaque and tartar buildup, stimulate the gums, and keep your pet entertained. Make sure to choose products appropriate for your pet's size and breed.

Dental Wipes and Gels:

If your pet is resistant to tooth brushing, consider using dental wipes or gels. These products are formulated to help control plaque and freshen breath. Apply them to your pet's teeth and gums as directed, providing an alternative for those who struggle with traditional brushing.

Regular Vet Check-ups:

Schedule regular veterinary check-ups that include a thorough examination of your pet's oral health. Your veterinarian can identify and address dental issues early on, providing professional cleanings if necessary. Routine check-ups are crucial for maintaining your pet's overall health.

Balanced Diet:

A proper diet contributes to your pet's overall health, including dental well-being. Choose high-quality pet food that supports dental health. Some pet foods are specially formulated to reduce plaque and tartar buildup, promoting healthier teeth and gums.

Limit Sugary Treats:

Just like in humans, excessive sugar can contribute to dental problems in pets. Limit sugary treats and snacks, and opt for dental-friendly treats that promote oral health. Always check with your veterinarian before introducing new treats into your pet's diet.

Monitor Behavioral Changes:

Keep an eye out for any changes in your pet's behavior, such as reluctance to eat, pawing at the mouth, or bad breath. These signs may indicate dental issues, and prompt attention is crucial to prevent further complications.

Investing time and effort into your pet's dental health is a vital aspect of responsible pet ownership. By incorporating these tips into your routine, you can help ensure that your furry friend enjoys a lifetime of good oral health, contributing to their overall well-being and happiness. Remember, a healthy smile is a happy smile!

(Image courtesy of Kris from Pixabay)

Wednesday 27 December 2023

The Vital Role of Microchipping: Safeguarding Your Pet's Future

In a world that continually advances in technology, our responsibilities as pet owners extend beyond providing food, shelter, and love. One crucial aspect that often goes overlooked is ensuring the safety and well-being of our beloved furry companions. 

One of the most effective and widely recommended methods to enhance pet security is through the process of microchipping. In this blog post, we'll delve into the importance of having your pet microchipped and how this simple, yet powerful, measure can make all the difference in reuniting lost pets with their families.

Identification Beyond Collars and Tags:

Traditional methods of pet identification, like collars and tags, can be lost, damaged, or removed. Microchipping, however, offers a permanent form of identification that cannot be easily misplaced. A tiny chip, about the size of a grain of rice, is implanted just beneath the skin between the shoulder blades. This microchip contains a unique identification number that is linked to the owner's contact information in a secure database.

Enhanced Reunification Efforts:

The heartbreaking reality for many pet owners is the possibility of their furry friend going missing. In such instances, the chances of a reunion are significantly increased when a pet is microchipped. Animal shelters, veterinary clinics, and rescue organizations routinely scan lost or stray animals for microchips. If a chip is detected, the registered owner can be promptly contacted, facilitating a faster and smoother reunification process.

Global Reach:

One of the key advantages of microchipping is its global applicability. In an increasingly interconnected world, families may relocate or travel with their pets. Collars and tags with outdated contact information become obsolete in such scenarios. A microchip ensures that, regardless of location, your pet's identification remains current and accessible, offering peace of mind for you and the well-being of your furry friend.

Protection Against Theft:

Unfortunately, pet theft is a reality that many owners face. Whether for resale or nefarious purposes, stolen pets often end up in shelters or on the streets. Microchipping acts as a theft deterrent and serves as an invaluable tool for law enforcement and animal control to identify stolen animals and reunite them with their rightful owners.

Comprehensive Health Records:

Some advanced microchips also allow for the inclusion of essential health information, such as vaccination records and medical history. This can be particularly beneficial in emergency situations where immediate access to a pet's health details is crucial for providing the best possible care.

Microchipping is more than just a technological advancement in pet care; it's a powerful tool that strengthens the bond between owners and their beloved animals. As responsible pet guardians, we owe it to our furry companions to take every measure available to safeguard their well-being. By embracing the technology of microchipping, we not only enhance the chances of reuniting with our lost pets but also contribute to a safer, more secure environment for them to thrive in. So, let's take that small yet impactful step towards ensuring a brighter and safer future for our four-legged family members.

However, sometimes microchips can fall out or stop working. You must make sure that your pet's microchip is present in your pet and also working. Your vet can help you.

(Image courtesy of mbfrye from Pixabay)

Unlocking Joy: The Importance of Mental Stimulation for Pets

Our furry companions bring immeasurable joy and companionship to our lives. As responsible pet owners, it is our duty to ensure that their physical and mental well-being is prioritised. 

While regular exercise and a balanced diet are crucial, mental stimulation often takes a back seat in our pets' care routines. In this blog post, we will delve into the vital role of mental stimulation in the lives of our beloved pets and explore creative ways to keep their minds sharp and engaged.

Understanding the Need for Mental Stimulation

Pets, much like humans, have complex cognitive abilities that require regular exercise to maintain optimal mental health. Lack of mental stimulation can lead to boredom, stress, and behavioral issues in animals. Dogs, for example, are natural problem solvers and thrive on challenges. Cats, on the other hand, have a strong predatory instinct that needs to be satisfied. Meeting these needs through mental stimulation is crucial for preventing boredom-related problems like excessive barking, destructive behavior, or obesity.

Benefits of Mental Stimulation for Pets

Prevention of Boredom and Anxiety: Mental stimulation helps prevent boredom and anxiety in pets, reducing the likelihood of destructive behaviors or excessive vocalisation. Engaging activities keep their minds active, providing a positive outlet for their energy.

Enhanced Cognitive Function: Regular mental stimulation contributes to the development and maintenance of cognitive function in pets. Just like in humans, mental exercises keep the brain agile and responsive, which is particularly important as pets age.

Bonding Opportunities: Activities that involve interaction between pets and their owners strengthen the bond between them. Whether it's solving puzzles, playing interactive games, or learning new tricks, these shared experiences create a deeper connection.

Ways to Provide Mental Stimulation

Interactive Toys: Invest in toys that challenge your pet's problem-solving skills. Puzzle feeders, treat-dispensing toys, and interactive games keep them engaged and mentally active.

Training Sessions: Regular training sessions not only teach your pet new tricks but also provide mental stimulation. Use positive reinforcement to make learning enjoyable for your pet.

Scavenger Hunts: Create scavenger hunts by hiding treats or toys around the house or yard. This taps into your pet's natural instincts and provides a fun and mentally stimulating activity.

Rotate Toys: Keep your pet's toy collection interesting by rotating them regularly. Introducing new toys or bringing back old favorites prevents boredom and keeps their curiosity alive.

Outdoor Exploration: Take your dog on different routes during walks to expose them to new scents and sights. Cats can benefit from outdoor enclosures or supervised outdoor adventures to stimulate their senses.

In conclusion, mental stimulation is a vital aspect of pet care that should not be overlooked. By incorporating interactive activities, toys, and training sessions into their daily routine, we can ensure that our pets lead fulfilling and mentally enriched lives. As responsible pet owners, let's make a conscious effort to unlock the potential for joy and well-being that mental stimulation can bring to our beloved animal companions.

Tuesday 19 December 2023

Grooming Tips for Dogs and Cats: Keeping Your Pet Fresh and Clean

Welcoming a furry friend into your home brings joy, companionship, and a sense of responsibility. One crucial aspect of pet care is grooming, as it not only enhances the physical appearance of your dog or cat but also contributes to their overall health and well-being. 

Regular grooming helps prevent skin issues, reduces shedding, and fosters a strong bond between you and your pet. In this blog post, we'll explore essential grooming tips for dogs and cats, ensuring your four-legged companions stay fresh and clean.

Brushing Basics:

Regular brushing is vital for both dogs and cats to maintain a healthy coat and reduce shedding. Different breeds require different types of brushes, so it's essential to choose the right one for your pet. Long-haired breeds may need daily brushing to prevent matting, while short-haired breeds can benefit from weekly sessions. Brushing not only removes loose fur but also stimulates blood circulation and distributes natural oils, promoting a shiny and healthy coat.

Bathing Techniques:

Bathing frequency varies depending on the breed, lifestyle, and individual needs of your pet. Dogs that spend a lot of time outdoors or have skin conditions may need more frequent baths than indoor cats. Use a mild, pet-friendly shampoo, and ensure you rinse thoroughly to avoid skin irritation. Cats, in general, groom themselves, but occasional baths can be necessary, especially for long-haired breeds.

Nail Care:

Trimming your pet's nails is an essential part of grooming. Long nails can cause discomfort and even affect your pet's ability to walk properly. Use a pet nail trimmer and be cautious not to cut too close to the quick, which can cause bleeding and pain. If you're unsure about nail trimming, seek guidance from a professional groomer or your veterinarian.

Ear Cleaning:

Dogs with floppy ears and certain cat breeds may be prone to ear infections, thus making regular ear cleaning absolutely vital. Use a vet-approved ear cleaning solution and gently wipe away dirt and wax using a cotton ball or pad. Avoid using cotton swabs, as they can push debris further into the ear canal.

Dental Care:

Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential for your pet's overall health. Brush your pet's teeth regularly using a toothbrush and toothpaste designed for animals. Dental chews and toys can also help reduce plaque and tartar buildup. If you notice signs of dental issues, such as bad breath or swollen gums, consult your veterinarian for professional dental care.

Professional Grooming:

While regular at-home grooming is crucial, professional grooming services can provide a more comprehensive care routine. Professional groomers have the expertise to handle specific breeds and can address grooming needs that may be challenging for pet owners. Schedule regular grooming appointments to ensure your pet receives thorough care.

Caring for your dog or cat goes beyond providing food and shelter. Grooming is a vital aspect of responsible pet ownership, contributing to your pet's physical health, comfort, and happiness. By incorporating these grooming tips into your routine, you'll not only keep your furry friends looking fresh and clean but also strengthen the bond between you and your beloved pets.

Friday 15 December 2023

PetRehomer has good report for year. Can you rehome pets in need?

Thanks to PetRehomer, a charity that specialises in finding new homes for pets in need across the UK, these gorgeous dogs and cats will be celebrating Christmas in their new homes:

Meet little Biscuit, a cross between a Jack Russell and a Shih Tzu. She’s still a puppy at just one year old and her original owner, living in Crawley, Sussex, was heartbroken to have to re-home her due to housing circumstances.

She hated the idea of Biscuit needing to spend time in a rescue centre, and wanted to choose the person who would give Biscuit her future home, which is why the PetRehomer system suited her. She was able to find and choose Biscuit’s new adopter through the process and pass her little bundle of joy straight to her new owner, Ramona Simmonds. Biscuit has settled in to her new home in Guildford, Surrey, where she is very much loved and already has a stack of presents under the tree!

This bundle of ginger joy is now called Hobbes, but he

used to be Simba. He’s said to be an Egyptian Mau cat and his original owner, living in Staines-upon-Thames, in Surrey, realised she really didn’t have adequate time to keep his playful nature entertained. Hobbes was quite quickly re-homed by delighted Amanda Graney in Uckfield, East Sussex, who was looking for a playmate for another cat in the family. Amanda says “He’s an absolute joy, he’s grown so much and is a total mush pot, who sleeps the whole night spooned against mummy in bed”.

Then there’s cute, two-year-old Bella, who is a toy poodle. She is just about to move to her new home in time for Christmas. Her owner, near Manchester, is unable to keep her because she’s moving back to her home country. Bella, understandably, had multiple enquiries and her adopter is a very lucky person!

Still looking for love

An older cat called Bonnie is still desperately seeking a new home, due to her current owners relocating abroad. She’s a white fluffy girl of eight-years-old who loves to spend her nights patrolling outdoors in the Surrey countryside. Poor Bonnie was found as a stray four years ago and has quite an independent nature, but she’s very gentle and loves quiet times with the people she loves.

Lovable Jax is also seeking his forever home. He’s a Devon boy who is well-trained and loves to play on the beach! His current owners confess that he’s a bit clumsy and thinks he’s a cat as they are his best mates! Jax is quite a large dog, being a mix of breeds including Staffy and Boxer, and he needs a diet that suits his allergies to grains. He has another weakness – for chasing squirrels! Sadly, Jax is a victim of the cost-of-living-crisis, he is fed raw food and is quite expensive to keep.

Then there’s little Rocky, an older boy in Swindon, Wiltshire, who is thought to be a Parsons Terrier or Jack Russell. Sadly, Rocky’s owner passed away and he is being looked after on a temporary basis. He has quite a few tricks up his sleeve, including opening doors and waiting for treats! He is quite feisty with other dogs that he doesn’t know, but loves people, including children.

PetRehomer. Charity no 1189284

PetRehomer has been set up by a group of animal lovers who are committed to ending pet homelessness and irresponsible rehoming practices. It is part of a registered UK charity and is believed to be the only animal charity of its kind. The new service saves animals from needing to enter the care of rescue centres, many of which are completely full.

It is proving to be not only popular, but successful. 150 dogs found their new home through PetRehomer in the first year of operating, together with an astonishing 255 cats.

The majority of people looking to re-home their pets cite ‘a change of circumstances’ as the main reason, together with the cost-of-living crisis. Some pets need to be re-homed due to landlord permissions; illness; allergies; or death of their owners. A small fee is paid by the adopter to and this is put towards running costs of the digital platform and contributions to a neutering fund which can be used to help those most in need.

Tuesday 12 December 2023

Pet Emergency Preparedness: Creating a First Aid Kit

Our pets hold a special place in our hearts, bringing joy, companionship, and love into our lives. Just as we prioritise the safety and well-being of our family members, it's crucial to extend that care to our furry or featheredfriends. 

Emergencies can happen at any time, and being prepared is key to ensuring the health and safety of our beloved pets. One essential component of pet emergency preparedness is creating a comprehensive first aid kit tailored to their specific needs.

Understanding Pet First Aid:

Pet first aid is a critical skill that every pet owner should possess. While immediate veterinary attention is always the best course of action, having a well-equipped first aid kit can make a significant difference in emergencies and buy time until professional help is available. Knowing how to administer basic first aid can make the difference between a quick recovery and a more serious situation.

Creating a Pet First Aid Kit:

Making a pet first aid kit doesn't have to be complicated, but it does require thoughtful consideration of your pet's specific needs. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you assemble an effective and personalised first aid kit for your furry or feathered friend:

Basic Supplies:

Sterile gauze and bandages

Adhesive tape

Cotton balls or swabs

Scissors with blunt ends


Digital thermometer

Latex gloves

Wound Care:

Antiseptic solution or wipes

Hydrogen peroxide (3% solution) for cleaning wounds (consult your vet before use)

Antibiotic ointment

Styptic powder to stop bleeding from minor cuts


Any prescribed medications your pet is currently taking

Pet-friendly pain relievers (vet-approved)

Emergency Tools:

Flashlight with extra batteries

Blanket or towel

Muzzle (for injured pets, always consult with your vet on proper use)


Copy of your pet's medical records, including vaccinations and allergies

Emergency contact numbers, including your veterinarian and a nearby animal hospital

Recent photo of your pet for identification purposes

Specialised Items:

Pet first aid manual or guidebook

Tick remover tool

Pet carrier or travel crate


Preparing for pet emergencies is a responsibility that comes with being a pet owner. Creating a well-stocked and personalised first aid kit is a proactive step towards ensuring your pet's safety and well-being in times of crisis. Regularly check and update your kit, and take the time to familiarize yourself with basic pet first aid procedures. Remember, in any emergency, your pet's health is the top priority, and a well-prepared pet first aid kit is a crucial tool in your efforts to keep them safe and healthy.

New pet welfare fund for rescue organisations launching in January

The charity is launching the grant at a time when the animal rescue sector is facing unprecedented challenges.

Animal welfare charity, Naturewatch Foundation, is launching a new Pet Rescue Grant in 2024 to help dogs, cats and rabbits impacted by illegal breeding and selling.

At least £5,000 will be awarded to UK charities and community interest companies (CICs) annually to help support the rescue and rehabilitation of animals who have been exploited by the illicit pet trade.

More than half of UK households own a pet, and its thought as many as 50% of puppies are supplied by illegal sources. Low-welfare breeding has a devasting impact on animal welfare and owners, and the illicit pet trade has increasingly attracted the involvement of organised criminals.

Naturewatch Foundation campaigns for better pet welfare protections and investigates tip-offs from the public about the illegal pet trade. The charity is launching the grant at a time when the animal rescue sector is facing unprecedented challenges caused by the cost-of-living crisis and rising abandonments following the boom in pet ownership during the Covid pandemic.

Natalie Harney from the charity said, “As an animal-loving nation, it’s a tragedy that so many of our beloved pets are the product of the illicit pet trade. We’ve been campaigning and investigating to end illegal breeding for years, but we know that without the rescue sector, many abused and exploited pets simply wouldn’t get the loving care and specialist support they deserve. Our new Pet Rescue Grant is our small way of helping those selfless organisations that pick up the pieces.”

Naturewatch Foundation is inviting animal-lovers to get involved by telling them about deserving rescue organisations that could benefit from the grant at

Rescue organisations that are interested in applying can visit or email

Monday 11 December 2023

That's Christmas: Christmas and New Year Safety Tips for Pets: Navig...

That's Christmas: Christmas and New Year Safety Tips for Pets: Navig...: The Christmas season is a time of joy and merriment, filled with festive decorations, delicious treats, and gatherings with loved ones. As w...

That's Christmas: Christmas and New Year Safety Tips for Pets: Navig...

That's Christmas: Christmas and New Year Safety Tips for Pets: Navig...: The Christmas season is a time of joy and merriment, filled with festive decorations, delicious treats, and gatherings with loved ones. As w...

Pet Etiquette: Navigating Public Spaces with Your Pets

In a world where our pets are increasingly considered integral members of the family, it's only natural that we want to share our adventures and experiences with them. Whether it's a leisurely stroll in the park, a visit to a bustling farmer's market, or a coffee date at the local café, our furry friends often tag along. 

But, with great companionship comes great responsibility. Navigating public spaces with your pet requires a certain level of awareness and consideration for others. Let's explore the world of pet etiquette and how to ensure a positive experience for everyone involved.

Leash/Lead Laws and Beyond:

One of the most fundamental aspects of responsible pet ownership is adhering to leash/lead laws. Not only is it a legal requirement in many places, but it also ensures the safety of your pet, other animals, and people. A well-trained and properly leashed dog is less likely to cause disturbances or pose risks to others. Long leashes/leads can be a danger as a dog on a long leash/lead could easily bolt and get run over by a car, for example.

But, pet etiquette goes beyond simply keeping your pet on a leash. It involves maintaining control over your pet's behavior, preventing them from jumping on strangers, and being mindful of their interactions with other animals. Not all dogs are social butterflies, and respecting the boundaries of other pets is vital.

Mind Your Manners:

Just as we teach our children good manners, our pets should also be trained to exhibit proper behaviour in public spaces. Basic commands such as sit, stay, and heel are invaluable in crowded areas. Also, addressing issues like excessive barking, jumping, or aggressive behavior is essential for creating a positive environment for everyone.

Remember that not everyone is comfortable around animals, and a well-behaved pet is more likely to be welcomed in various public settings. If your pet tends to be anxious or excitable, consider acclimating them to new environments gradually to reduce stress and potential problems.

Cleanliness Counts:

Pet owners should always be equipped with waste disposal bags. Cleaning up after your pet is not only a legal requirement but also a basic courtesy. No one wants to step in an unexpected surprise while enjoying a leisurely walk or relaxing in a park. Always be prepared to clean up after your pet and dispose of waste properly.

Respect the Environment:

When taking your pet to public spaces, be mindful of the surroundings. Avoid allowing them to trample through flower beds, disturb wildlife, or damage property. Respect the rules and regulations of the area you're in, whether it's a nature reserve, park, or urban space.

Pet-Friendly Establishments:

Before bringing your pet to a café, restaurant, or any indoor establishment, check if they are pet-friendly. Even in places that welcome pets, be considerate of other patrons. Keep your pet calm and secure, and ensure they do not disrupt others' dining experiences.

Sharing our lives with pets is a joy, but it comes with responsibilities. By adhering to leash laws, training our pets, cleaning up after them, and respecting the environment and others around us, we can foster a positive experience for everyone. Pet etiquette is about creating harmony in shared spaces, allowing both pet owners and non-pet owners to coexist peacefully. Let's make our public spaces enjoyable for all, furry friends included.

Saturday 9 December 2023

Rainy Day Bliss: Fun Indoor Activities to Keep Your Pets Entertained on a Rainy Day

Rainy days can put a damper on our plans for outdoor adventures with our pets, but that doesn't mean the fun has to end! 

There are plenty of entertaining activities you can enjoy indoors to keep your furry friends happy and engaged. 

In this blog post, we'll explore some creative and enjoyable ways to make the most of those rainy days with your beloved pets.

Puzzle Toys and Treats

Engage your pet's mind and satisfy their curiosity with puzzle toys and treat dispensers. These toys challenge them to figure out how to access hidden treats, providing mental stimulation and entertainment. Whether it's a puzzle ball or a treat-filled puzzle mat, these activities can keep your pet entertained for hours.

Hide and Seek

A classic game that never gets old, hide and seek is a fantastic way to bond with your pet. Grab their favorite toy or treat, find a good hiding spot, and encourage your pet to seek it out. Not only does this game provide mental stimulation, but it also reinforces training commands like "stay" and "come."

Indoor Agility Course

Create a mini agility course using household items. Set up tunnels using chairs and blankets, create jumps with broomsticks, and weave through makeshift poles. Guide your pet through the course using treats or toys to encourage them. This not only provides physical exercise but also strengthens the bond between you and your pet.

Interactive Games and Apps

Technology isn't just for humans! There are various interactive games and apps designed specifically for pets. From laser pointer apps to games that mimic the movements of small animals on a screen, these digital activities can captivate your pet's attention and keep them entertained.

DIY Homemade treat Baking

Get creative in the kitchen by baking homemade treats for your pet. There are plenty of simple recipes online using pet-friendly ingredients. Not only is this a fun indoor activity, but it also allows you to provide your pet with tasty, healthy treats. Remember to avoid ingredients that can be harmful to pets, such as chocolate or xylitol, or onions.

Grooming and Pampering Session

Turn a gloomy day into a spa day for your pet! Spend some quality time grooming and pampering them. Brush their fur, trim their nails (if needed), and give them a relaxing massage. Not only does this contribute to their well-being, but it's also a great way to strengthen the bond between you and your furry friends.

Rainy days don't have to be synonymous with boredom for your pets. By incorporating these indoor activities into your routine, you can turn a dreary day into an opportunity for fun and bonding with your beloved companions. Experiment with different activities to find what your pet enjoys the most, and make rainy days a time of joy and enrichment for both you and your furry friend.

The Impact of Your Pet's Diet on Their Overall Health

Our pets bring immense joy and companionship into our lives, and as responsible pet owners, it is crucial for us to ensure their well-being. One of the most influential factors contributing to a pet's overall health is their diet. 

Just like humans, animals require a balanced and nutritious diet to thrive. In this blog post, we will delve into the significant impact of your pet's diet on their overall health and explore how the right nutrition can lead to a happy and healthy life for your beloved companions.

Nutritional Needs of Pets:

Understanding the nutritional needs of your pet is the first step in providing them with a well-balanced diet. Dogs and cats, for example, have specific dietary requirements that differ from each other and from other animals. Factors such as age, breed, size, and health conditions also play a role in determining the ideal diet for your pet. Consulting with a veterinarian to tailor a nutrition plan that meets your pet's individual needs is essential.

Weight Management:

Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for pets to prevent a range of health issues. Obesity in pets is a growing concern and is often linked to an improper diet. Overfeeding or feeding high-calorie, low-nutrient foods can lead to weight gain, placing strain on joints and organs, and increasing the risk of diabetes and other health problems. On the other hand, underfeeding can result in malnutrition, weakness, and a compromised immune system.

Dental Health:

A pet's dental health is closely tied to their diet. Poor-quality pet foods lacking in proper nutrients can contribute to dental issues such as gum disease and tooth decay. Incorporating dental-friendly treats and toys into their routine can help, but a nutritious diet is fundamental for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Some pet foods are specially formulated to promote dental health, reducing the risk of plaque and tartar buildup.

Skin and Coat Health:

The condition of a pet's skin and coat is a visible indicator of their overall health. A well-balanced diet rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals is key to promoting a glossy coat and healthy skin. On the contrary, a diet lacking in these nutrients may lead to dull, dry fur and skin issues, including allergies and irritations.

Digestive Health:

A pet's digestive system is sensitive, and their diet plays a crucial role in maintaining its health. High-quality, easily digestible ingredients can contribute to a healthy gut, reducing the risk of digestive problems such as diarrhea or constipation. Additionally, a diet with sufficient fiber content aids in proper digestion and can prevent issues like obesity and anal gland problems.

In conclusion, the impact of your pet's diet on their overall health is profound. Providing a nutritionally balanced and appropriate diet tailored to their individual needs is a fundamental aspect of responsible pet ownership. Regular veterinary check-ups, coupled with a commitment to providing the right nutrition, will contribute to a longer, happier, and healthier life for your cherished furry companions. Remember, a well-fed pet is a content and thriving pet.